Open with Alexandra Flugel Inspiring And Thought-Provoking Podcast


Open with Alexandra Flugel Inspiring And Thought-Provoking Podcast

Meet the host

Open with Alexandra Flugel is not just another podcast about success stories. What sets it apart is the unique combination of a talented host, Alexandra Flugel, who brings her 1expertise as a Director and Producer to the art of storytelling, and the selection of exceptionally high-profile guests from diverse backgrounds.

This podcast is more than just a showcase of achievements; it's a platform for human connection, empathy, and inspiration. By sharing the raw and unfiltered stories of success, listeners can find strength in the realization that greatness can emerge from the most challenging circumstances.

Through "Open with Alexandra Flugel," the world will witness the power of vulnerability and authenticity, as it captures the essence of what makes each guest extraordinary. The podcast aims to create a community of dreamers and doers who find courage in the stories of others and use them as a steppingstone towards their own ambitions.

The ultimate why behind "Open with Alexandra Flugel" is to ignite a spark of hope, possibility, and determination in the hearts of listeners worldwide.

Human Connection

"Open with Alexandra Flugel" will showcase the resilience and determination of high-profile guests who have risen from humble beginnings to achieve extraordinary success.


"Open with Alexandra Flugel" aims to inspire the audience by sharing powerful and relatable success stories from prominent figures in different industries.


"Open with Alexandra Flugel" through candid interviews, the podcast will offer exclusive and personal insights into the lives and minds of CEOs, celebrities, and executives, presenting lessons and learnings applicable to the listeners' own journeys.

Format and Content



Each episode will feature an in-depth interview with a prominent personality, exploring their life's trajectory, struggles, pivotal moments, and eventual rise to success. These will be based on research an Bio information collected prior to the interview.

Anecdotes and Stories

The podcast will incorporate engaging anecdotes and stories from the guests, allowing listeners to connect with their experiences on a personal level. We will present pictures, videos, or any form of visual aid regarding history and their childhood or early part of their career.
Insights and Advice Guests will share valuable insights, practical advice, and lessons learned from their journeys, providing actionable takeaways for the audience.

For closing statements

A set of questions – Same for all at the end of each episode including Favorite quote, most important mentor, wish dinner guest, best advice for our listeners

Tech Innovators

Interview founders or leaders of innovative tech companies that have disrupted industries and made a positive impact on society.

Social Entrepreneurs

Seek out individuals who have created successful businesses while also addressing social and environmental challenges.

Sports Personalities

Interview athletes who have overcome adversity, achieved greatness, and inspire others through their dedication and perseverance.

Health and Wellness Experts

Speak with experts in the health and wellness field who have helped others transform their lives through physical and mental well-being.

Creative Artists

Spotlight artists, musicians, writers, orfilmmakers who have broken barriers,challenged norms, and found successin their creative endeavors.

Environmental Activists

Interview environmental activists and advocates who have fought forsustainable practices andenvironmental protection.

Personal Development Coaches

Feature coaches who have guidedothers to discover their potential andachieve personal growth.


Feature individuals who have made asignificant difference through their philanthropic efforts, inspiring others togive back to the community.

Inspirational Speakers

Speak with motivational speakers whohave a strong influence on theiraudience and have helped peopletransform their lives.

Young Entrepreneurs

Highlight young entrepreneurs whohave achieved remarkable success at arelatively early age, inspiring others topursue their dreams fearlessly.

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